Member Benefits

Let Us Help You Win

When you become a member of the Lake of the Ozarks Convention & Visitor Bureau, you gain access to a wide range of benefits designed to boost your business. We work alongside you as a valuable marketing partner, driving increased traffic and visibility for your brand. Take a look at the extensive list of advantages that our members enjoy.

Membership Benefits

Below is a list of the many benefits that members experience:

  • Listing on
  • Receive visitor weekly inquiry leads specific to your business
  • Opportunity to attend travel shows with CVB staff
  • Monthly event calendar for display to visitors
  • Monthly convention guest count calendar
  • CVB publication distribution
  • Promote events and specials on
  • Access to the CVB online photo/video gallery
  • Picture, video, and drone production for promotional purposes*
  • Wedding, reunion, and meeting leads for lodging
  • CVB membership contact list
  • Access to market research
  • Spring and Fall Harbor Hop participation*
  • Working relationship with Lake area organizations
  • Statewide participation with industry organizations
  • Opportunity to serve on CVB Board of Directors
  • Advertising opportunities in CVB publications and online*

*Additional Charges


The Most Comprehensive Information Publications for Lake of the Ozarks

Our Publications Have Reach

Lake of the Ozarks Vacation & Dining Guide

Total Distribution: 155,000

  • Inquiries from TCLA Advertising Campaign
  • Visitor Centers & AAA Offices
  • Boat, RV, Camping, Outdoor, Sport & Golf Shows
  • St. Louis, Kansas City & Chicago Racks
  • Local Distribution & Meetings & Conventions

Restaurant Guide

Total Distribution: 50,000

Widely available throughout the Lake Area, including over 100 lodging properties



Your Listing is Worth the Price of Membership!

There were a total of 1,168,747 visits to in 2016, up from 975,125 in 2015 or an increase of more than 16%.

Your listing includes the following: business contact (address, phone # and email), business description, logo plus 6 pictures, video link and map location. Your listing also appears on the FunLake mobile site and in the Lake of the Ozarks - FunLake app.

Purchasing a weblink for your listing allows visitors to go directly to your website and social media pages.

Featured listings and navigation are available to boost listing views 70%-90%.

If you have any questions on any of the items mentioned above, please call and talk to a Marketing Consultant at 573-348-1599.

Since 1993, the Tri-County Lodging Association (TCLA) has purchased millions of dollars of advertising in magazines, newspapers, television, radio, web site development, search engine optimization, retargeting campaigns, content story campaigns, digital billboard advertising, special events and festivals, mobile web sites, exhibiting at 12-14 Sport & Travel Shows, vacation guide fulfillment, postage and distribution. TCLA also uses the funds to sponsor special events and festivals that attract visitors to the Lake. TCLA can potentially provide promotional startup funding for new events and festivals in hopes that the event or festival will sustain itself financially over a two or three year period. Special events and festivals are major reasons why our visitors choose our area over other resort destinations. TCLA also supports two group, convention and reunion sales managers, both responsible for initiating group, convention and reunion business “request for proposals” which are distributed to Lake-area accommodation facilities. TCLA also contracts with a professional Public Relations Firm that writes numerous press releases and contacts editors of major publications to encourage them to write travel related stories about the Lake of the Ozarks. Statistically, when an editor writes about your destination, it’s four times more impactful than placing a paid advertisement. TCLA continues to invest in Advertising Effectiveness research programs that assures the most efficient use and highest return-on-investment for every advertising dollar appropriated.

TCLA also partners with the Lake of the Ozarks Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB). The CVB is the primary fulfillment arm of TCLA, providing hundreds of thousands of Vacation Guides to potential visitors requesting information as a result of TCLA’s advertising. The CVB also developed, markets and maintains the website, produces the artwork for the many advertisements placed each year and manages the social media aspects of TCLA promotional efforts. With more than 90% of all travel being planned online, the website and social media components are an integral part of TCLA’s comprehensive marketing plan. The CVB also attends upwards of 12 Sport and Travel Shows throughout mid-America answering questions about our destination and distributing Vacation Guides to potential visitors.

Below you will find several examples of advertising purchased by Tri-County Lodging Association.


Search Engine Marketing

Google, Yahoo Bing


Remarketing Ads


Content Stories

Over 30 content stories distributed through the Google ad network.


YouTube Video Distribution


Magazine/Newspaper Ads

Heartland Outdoors (Illinois), Missouri Life Magazine, Midwest Living: Best of the Midwest, Official Missouri Vacation Planner 2019, Outdoors Guide (St. Louis), Madden Fall/Winter Newspaper Insert, Madden Spring/Summer Newspaper Insert


Digital BillBoards


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