
We're the Lake Experts

From information on the Lake to questions about our communities, we’re here for you. Reach out to the Lake of the Ozarks CVB with any questions or comments you may have. We’d love to hear from you!

What is the CVB?

The Lake of the Ozarks Convention & Visitor Bureau (CVB) is a membership based organization supported by over 550 Lake area businesses in the tri-county region with a mission to promote the Lake.


Why Should I Join the CVB?

The CVB uses an integrated marketing approach to sell the Lake area as a travel destination. As a CVB member, you have direct exposure and access to this very large and targeted market. This includes direct sales, sales blitzes and telemarketing, advertising and direct mail, tourism and convention industry trade shows, boat, sport, and travel shows, digital promotions on Funlake.com, e-mail blasts, websites, and e-newsletters, Vacation & Service Guide, Lake Life publication, Restaurant Guide, public relations and press tours, and familiarization tours.


Join the CVB

Member Benefits


Member Testimonial

“One of the first things I got involved with when I opened my paddlecraft business here at the Lake was to partner with The Lake of the Ozarks Convention and Visitor Bureau. FunLake.com helped propel my business to a much higher level of success; Super Dave’s Paddlecraft Adventures would not be where it is today without the Lake CVB!”

– Dave Bertels
Super Dave’s Paddlecraft Adventures

Mailing Address: 

P.O. Box 1498 

Osage Beach, MO 65065

Shipping Address: 

985 KK Drive 

Osage Beach, MO 65065

Phone Number: 573-348-1599

Fax: 573-348-2293

Email: info@funlake.com



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