Event Submission

Got an Event Coming Up?

We can help make sure everyone knows about it! Submit the details of your event using the form below and we’ll list it on our website free of charge. Get started now!

Let's Get Started!

Fill out the below event submission form to get your event listed on the Funlake.com event calendar and the VisitWidget Trip Planner. Your event will be reviewed and listed in the next 3-5 business days. To ensure we are providing accurate information to our visitors, it is important to fill out all applicable fields. The Lake of the Ozarks CVB reserves the right to edit descriptions for content and length.

* required field
Event Dates
An event start date is required. Please enter an end date if more than one day. If it is a recurring event, enter details in Recurring event field. Such as an event that takes place every Thursday or every 2nd Friday, etc. If the event is recurring but not on the same day of the week, you can enter all dates the event will take place.

Event Venue/Location
Enter the venue or location of the event. If the event takes place at several locations (ie: Harbor hop) enter "Lake Wide" for the Venue and Address information.

Event Organizer

IN ORDER FOR YOUR WEBSITE OR FACEBOOK ADDRESS TO DISPLAY AS AN ACTIVE LINK YOU MUST INCLUDE THE ENTIRE WEB ADDRESS. For example: https://www.funlake.com or https://www.facebook.com/funlake. If you only include A partial address that does not include the http:// or Https:// it will not display as an active link.

Event Logo/Graphic or image
You can upload one logo/graphic or image. It must be PNG, JPG or GIF. You cannot upload a PDF. You can also email logo/image to photos@funlake.com.

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